Crop Protection

Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction


Control of annual broad-leaved weeds and nut sedge species, in maize, sugar cane, rice sorghum, nuts and turf. Efficacy has been observed with post-emergence (10-100g(a.i.)/ha) applications. ...


Post-emergence control of many annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds of the families Polygonaceae, Compositae, Leguminosae, and Umbelliferae in sugar, beet, fodder beet, oilseed rape...


Used pre-emergence or pre-plant to control annual grasses, certain annual broad-leaved weeds and yellow nutsedge in maize, peanut, soya beans, cotton, potatoes and sugar cane...

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