Crop Protection

Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction Crop protection Introduction


Control of sucking insects, including rice-, leaf- and planthoppers, aphids, thrips and whitefly. Also effective against soil insects, termites and some species of biting insects, such as rice water weevi....


Control of a wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera, but also Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and other classes in fruit (including citrus), vines, vegetables, potatoes, cucurbit ....


Pre- and post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in maize, sorghum, sugar cane, pineapples, chemical fallow, grassland, macadamia nuts, conifers, industrial weed control....

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