
English name:Triazines
Product type:Herbicide
biochemistry:Photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor at the photosystem II receptor site.
Mode of action:Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed principally through the roots, but also through the foliage, with translocation acropetally in the xylem and accumulation in the apical meristems and leaves.
Uses:Pre- and post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in maize, sorghum, sugar cane, pineapples, chemical fallow, grassland, macadamia nuts, conifers, industrial weed control.
Main products & Formulation types:Atrazine 98% TC, 80% WP, 90% WDG, 500g/L SC; Ametryn 95% TC, 80% WP, 90% WDG, 500g/L SC; Prometryn 95% TC, 50% WP, 500g/L SC;